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Barbara Gloudon


Born: Jamaica, 1935


Jamaican born Barbara Gloudon was a journalist, playwright, writer, and the first female chair of the Jamaican Council Institute for the Arts. Gloudon worked extensively with Jamaica’s Little Movement Theatre Company (LTM) and wrote an extensive number of pantomimes for them. Her pantomime The Pirate Princess, first staged in Jamaica in 1981, was later produced in the UK by Temba Theatre Company for the 1986 Black Theatre Season. She also had shows like Flash Trash, produced in 1986 by Half Moon Theatre company, and Anansi Come Back, by Pantomime Theatre Company at Hackney Empire in 1995, premiere in the UK.


Pirate Princess, The

Pirate Princess, The

Year: 1986

Staged in: Temba Theatre Company; 1972

Flash Trash

Flash Trash

Year: 1986

Staged in: London; Half Moon Theatre

Anansi Come Back

Anansi Come Back

Year: 1995

Staged in: The Pantomine Company

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