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Two Step

By Rashan Stone

Year staged: 2004

Theatre Company: Almeida Theatre

Staged in: Almeida Theatre

Cast Size: 3


Lenny is a success. He has kicked the booze, gone to college and is a budding writer. He also has a trophy wife, young and white, and a teenaged son. He has a guilty secret that he must expiate, so he travels to Islington to visit his old flame, Mona. Where he is a born-again bore, she is full of life and wit. Life isn’t simple for Mona either, as she is haunted by the ghost of their miscarried daughter, a constant presence. The tables begin to turn after Lenny takes a whisky and shares Mona’s bed for the first time in 32 years.

Production Team

Josette Bushell-Mingo


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