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Man and Soul

By Edgar Nkosi White

Year staged: 1982

Staged in: Riverside Studios

Cast Size: 3


A chance meeting one night in a British jail, between two black men who feel as if they have little in common. Thomas Ikuru has been locked up on suspicions of throwing a bottle at a police officer at Carnival, and Faigan was caught up in the ‘unruly’ crowd around the incident. Ikuru is adamant that he did not throw the bottle, while Faigan postulates that it doesn’t matter if he threw it or not – they’re both in jail because they’re black. Ikuru meanwhile emphasises the differences between them, as he believes himself to be an original African, while Faigan’s racial heritage is unverifiable.  

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Man and Soul

Publisher: M. Boyars, London

Year published: 1983

Original Cast

Victor Romero Evans


Burt Caesar


Melvyn Jones


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