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T Bone Wilson


T-Bone Wilson is a Guyanese-British actor, dramatist and poet. He initially came to England from Guyana in 1962 to pursue engineering studies but decided to take up drama. He trained at the Mountview Theatre School and he acted in Mustapha Matura’s Black Pieces, a series of short plays performed at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in 1970. He then became a playwright himself, his plays including Body and Soul (1974, Keskidee Arts Centre) and Come Jubilee (1977, Bush Theatre).


Jumbie Street March

Jumbie Street March

Staged in: Keskidee Arts Centre; 1970

Come Jubilee

Come Jubilee

Year: 1977

Staged in: Bush Theatre; 1972

Body and Soul

Body and Soul

Year: 1974

Staged in: Keskidee Arts Centre; 1970

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